Rivières occitanes, basques et catalanes, tome 1

Rivières occitanes, basques et catalanes, tome 1

Reference :
Format : 
15,5x21 cm - 190 pages
Year of publication : 
Language(s) : 
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All the rivers (cl. 1 to 5) from south of Massif Central to Spain.

  • The Landes: Leyre, Midouze, Contis, Huchet, etc.
  • The Nives and Gaves’s area.
  • All the pyrenean rivers : Adour and Garonne’s areas Catalan rivers: Orb, Aude, Tech, etc.

138 runs from 75 rivers.

River maps, photos, detailed descriptions.

  • Quiet water
  • White water
17,50 €

Quiet water - Guides - France